Fitmama Strong Durham & Online

Express FLOW Online
with Janis


March 10 (Monday)
at 7:45 pm (GMT-04:00)

Class length
30 minutes

Online - Live Class

Express FLOW Online

This is Fitmama Strong's version of Yoga! We know that our members are in the busy season of life and while they might want to go out to an hour+ yoga class, it's not working for them right now. Our answer is a 30 minute Express Flow class! 

In this yoga inspired class, you'll find breath work, mobility, stretches and yoga poses, all to help your body and mind feel great for the week. 

Our instructor not only has a 200 hour yoga certification, she's also certified as a prenatal/postpartum fitness instructor, so we know our members are in good hands!

This class is appropriate for any of our prenatal or postpartum members. Modifications for pregnancy will be offered to our pregnant members who would like to add this class to their weekly routine. 

We welcome all family members (or friends who are at your house!) to join in.


You must sign-in to book a spot in this class.

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